Accounting settings: Self-storage


Self-storage tax

The self-storage tax section allows you to configure tax settings. Decide between inclusive or exclusive models to align with your business preferences.

Adding & updating accounting codes

You can set up different accounting codes with their corresponding tax type and tax rate to associate different charges/invoice items in the system with the correct accounting code/category.

The accounting codes in Storeganise should ideally match up with the accounting code that you have set up in your accounting system to ensure the data ties up accurately.

Click on the + icon to add an accounting code.


Enter the account code (alphanumeric, lowercase & no spaces) here.


The description adds a bit more information on what the accounting code is for specifically.

Tax type

Set the tax type applicable to this accounting code.

Tax rate (%)

Enter the tax rate amount as a percentage that should be applied to invoice items associated with this accounting code.

Deleting accounting code

Please note that deleting an accounting code used in active invoices is not recommended as it could lead to discrepancies in your accounting records. Also, the system will not allow deleting the accounting code if it's currently being used.

If the code has been used incorrectly, you may need to correct the invoices manually by applying the right code depending on the state of the invoice.

Using accounting codes

Once you have set up the accounting codes, go to the system charges table to set which accounting code should be used by default for rent, deposit, and prepayment charge types.

Other charge types can have the corresponding accounting codes set (or updated) in the unit type; unit page; move-in job; or the invoice itself.

System charges

*Specific to self-storage setups
The system charges table is where you will set the accounting codes to be applied to unit deposit; unit rent; and unit prepayment charges in the system. You will first need to have the accounting codes setup and then you can choose from that list of accounting codes for each charge type.
Click on a charge type and in the modal select the accounting code (and consequently the corresponding tax type and tax rate) to be applied to that respective charge type.

Unit prepayment charges

Important: Prepayments will not have any tax rate applied to the invoice line item so leave Tax type and Tax rate blank for your prepayments account to avoid confusion. Prepayments will always apply the tax type and % for each corresponding prepayment with regards to the charge type that the prepayment is for.
For example, in the case that a prepayment is for rent, it will take the rent tax type and tax rate to ensure that the correct prepayment is charged and applied in future invoices when that revenue is realized. 

Custom Manual Payment Methods

Tailor the list of the payment method options that will show when adding manual payments to invoices. There is a pre-set list for each new Storeganise setup but you can edit, delete and add to this to customize it to the specific needs of your business.

This could include payment methods specific to your country or even specific bank account names so that you can more seamlessly complete reconciliations for manual payments you receive.


This section allows you to customize the default terminology that is used to describe different services in invoices. If nothing is set, the placeholder that is shown will be used.


How do I add and update accounting codes in Storeganise?

To add accounting codes, click on the + icon and enter the account code (alphanumeric, lowercase & no spaces), along with a description and tax details (tax type and tax rate). Make sure your accounting codes match those set up in your accounting system for accurate data synchronization.

How can I customize Manual Payment Methods in Storeganise?

You can tailor the list of payment method options for manual payments by editing, deleting, or adding to the pre-set list provided by Storeganise. This customization allows you to match payment methods specific to your business needs, including country-specific methods or specific bank account names.

What customization options are available in the Terminology section of Storeganise?

In the Terminology section, you can customize default terminology used to describe different services in invoices. If no custom terms are set, placeholders will be used in the invoices. Customize these terms to align with your business terminology and branding.

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