Frequently Asked Questions about using the Storeganise API.

Where can I Find API docs?

Head to /api/docs/ in your Storeganise instance, e.g. https://spaceup.storeganise.com/api/docs/ (replace spaceup by your business code)

Please check more information on our API best practices.

Is the API meant to be used entirely on the frontend over SSL, or is there another server-side authentication mechanism required?

The same authentication mechanism can be used on the server side.  One advantage of doing it client-side is that you can store the authentication token on the user's browser so you don't need any server-side database etc. set up.  If you will have one anyway then you can still use the token to post/retrieve information on the server similar to how you would in a client-based setup.

Are any of these API endpoints meant to be used for admins only vs end users?

The endpoints provided in the documentation are for end users; we have a separate API for admin users.

How are the items, their details & pricing, and any extras populated on the checkout flow?

These are returned as part of the GET /v1/settings request. See the items , plans , products arrays which are all returned (depending on settings configured in the admin portal).

The settings object also includes information such as the brand name, currency , service areas , etc.

How does Stripe checkout integrate with this checkout flow?

Please see https://help.storeganise.com/article/20-connecting-to-stripe

Is the GET valet order API endpoint the one that is used to display the confirmation screen?

When the valet order is created via the POST /v1/valet/orders endpoint it will return the created valet order which can be used to show confirmation.  You can also use the GET endpoint to retrieve it at a later time.

The include section of GET /v1/auth/userinfo is also very useful, allowing you to retrieve the user main info, upcoming orders and storage items in one call.

Also see https://help.storeganise.com/article/136-user-onboarding-flow-valet and https://help.storeganise.com/article/111-user-onboarding-flow-units

Does Storeganise handle all confirmation emails on their end?

Yes, these are automatically sent out by the Storeganise system and can be customised.

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